Public Education

bgrimm-transplant-play.jpgDMEK Documentary: Behind the Scenes of cornea transplant surgery with Dr. Francis Price
The Cornea Research Foundation recently went behind the scenes and filmed a DMEK Documentary with Dr. Francis Price at Price Vision Group with cornea transplant recipient, Bob Grimm.
We frequently receive phone calls and emails about the surgical process and healing in the treatment of conditions like Fuchs' dystrophy. It can be challenging to explain eye surgery and ease the worry of patients.
We are excited to have an educational resource to help visually outline the process!
Even those who have completed surgery may still have questions. We've received commentary that the video was enlightening and answered questions that people didn't even know they had.
"Thanks for sharing this video,
now I have a better idea what to expect!"
"Wow, even though I've been through my own two transplants
I still learned a few things from watching Bob's story."
Please keep in mind that no two stories are ever identical, but this video will provide a guideline for cornea transplant surgery. Never before have we b
een able to offer an observer's viewpoint through the entire process from check-in to post-op. Dr. Price shares a post-surgery update of this complicated case which involves prior cornea transplants and glaucoma. In the last segment, Bob shares how he's doing 6 months after surgery and how DMEK has impacted his life.
We appreciate Bob Grimm allowing our team to follow him through surgery at Price Vision Group and are also very appreciative of a generous gift from Frank and Mary Castelnovo that made this project possible.

In 2016 we announced an Educational Video Series which highlights many of the topics covered at Sunday for Sight but will allow us to reach a broader audience by sharing the videos online. If you have any suggestions for topics, please email us at

The 2015 event was the Sunday for Sight: Patient Education Open 
House, a patient education event featuring the following talks:
  • Dr. Francis Price - Fuchs' dystrophy: DMEK and What the Future Might Hold
  • Dr. Matthew Feng - Keratoconus: A Pointed Discussion 
  • Dr. Francis Price - Cataracts: Customizing your Vision with Advanced Lens Options
  • Dr. Matthew Feng - Glaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight
  • Lions Eye Bank - The Donor Cornea and How to Thank your Donor
We hosted approximately 80 people for in-depth presentations and Q&A with our experienced team.

Past Luncheon FundraisersFrank-and-Nancy-Noel.JPG

For several years prior to Sunday for Sight, we hosted themed luncheonfundraisers in the Indianapolis area with a strong educational component. Typically held in the month of September, the event featured an in-depth look at current research initiatives by Dr. Francis Price, our Founder and President. In 2014, we celebrated with Sharon Gamble at the Mansion at Oak Hill.  View those photos here! In 2013, we celebrated with Nancy Noel at her Sanctuary in Zionsville (pictured to the right with Dr. Price). View those photos here!